
DE&I Diagnostic Census

    What is the representation of women, LGBTQIAP people, black people, people with disabilities and people over 50 in your organization?
    Do these people feel equally safe to be who they are?
    Do your employees perceive the organizational environment as respectful and welcoming?

Diversitera's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Diagnostic Census allows us to understand these questions through indicators and strategic metrics that allow the identification of emergencies and the establishment of priorities for more assertive actions in the short, medium and long term.


    Proprietary research platformCompliance with LGPDAccess in different ways, from QR Code to personal and non-transferable links with two-step verificationTrilingual: Portuguese, Spanish and English

Exclusive methodology:

    Demographic data crossed with the organizational structureIndicators and metrics for understanding inclusion based on psychological safety and perceptions of the environment and leadershipAnalytical report with strategic recommendations based on dataFeedback and discussion sessions
    Monitoring with project leader Additional formats such as qualitative research (in-depth interviews and focus groups) Possibility of customization for in-depth research, onboarding and offboarding Communication support for better participant engagement Differentiated deliveries for leadership, connecting data, strategy and education

Who benefits?


Vocalizing needs and desires from their own place of speech, for a more inclusive culture.


Better planning of resources and more effective actions for your Affinity Groups.


Making the D&I topic more strategic, with facts and metrics for a better-based Strategic Talent Plan, and with effective arguments in strategic discussions.


Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion as one of the strategic pillars and part of the agenda of the entire organization, in a pragmatic and participatory way.


Data and Results about the organization's Diversity and Inclusion practices, available and exportable to enrich discussions with external agents.

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